BHNCDSB Speak Up9587076
BHNCDSB Speak Up is intended for students, family and community members who experience or witness incidents of victimization, harassment, discrimination, hate or bullying.

Students and families are encouraged to continue to reach out to their teachers, principal, or other school staff when in need of assistance.

The Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic School Board holds sacred the view that each child is created in the image of God and that every person is to be treated with dignity and respect. Guided by the teachings of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the BHNCDSB is committed to school environments where each member feels valued, respected, and has a sense of belonging with the goal of enabling all learners to realize the fullness of humanity.

The BHNCDSB believes that our schools provide a culture of transparency, safety, and support. It is a priority that we empower the members of our community to address incidents of bullying, racism, and hate.

The anonymous reporting tool is not monitored 24/7 and is not meant to replace urgent or emergency services. If this is an emergency, please contact 911.
Collection of Information
Notice of Collection: The personal information you have provided on this form and any other correspondence relating to your involvement in our programs is collected by the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board under the authority of the Education Act (R.S.O. 1990 c.E.2) ss. 58.5, 265 and 266 as amended and in accordance with Section 29(2) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, (R.S.O. 1990 c.M.56) The information will be used to register and place the student in a school, or for a consistent purpose such as the allocation of staff and resources and to give information to employees to carry out their job duties. In addition, the information may be used to deal with matters of health and safety or discipline and is required to be disclosed in compelling circumstances or for law enforcement matters or in accordance with any other Act. The information will be used in accordance with the Education Act, the regulations, and guidelines issued by the Minister of Education governing the establishment, maintenance, use, retention, transfer and disposal of pupil records. If you have any questions, please contact the school principal and/or the Freedom of Information Officer, Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board, 322 Fairview Drive, Brantford, ON, N3T 5M8 (
Can an incident report be made anonymously?
Individuals have the option to remain anonymous or to provide contact information when submitting a report.
Responding to reports
Principals will be notified when a report is submitted at their school. They will investigate and carry out the next steps.
What to do if you or someone you know is in immediate danger of harm?
Student safety is paramount. The Anonymous Bullying Reporting Tool is not a crisis or emergency service.

If you believe that you or someone you know is in immediate danger of harm:
  • Please call 911
  • Go to your nearest hospital
Report Attestation
If a false report is made, individuals will be subject to possible discipline in accordance with the Board's Catholic Code of Conduct.

I understand that I may face discipline if I make any untrue or malicious claims using this tool.